DCS Defenders Robotics #15815

Mechanical Team


Instructions for how to run more than four motors from a single Control or Expansion Hub using a REV Spark Mini. Westside Robotics have a number of other tutorials available as GitHub repository wikis.
The information on this site is not very current, but it does provide some insight into different parts of the hardware system.
An amazing presentation from "The Antidote", team 14320, that explains everything you could ever want to know about motors and servos.
A presentation from "The Bionic Tigers", team 10464, that explains different types of control and manipulation mechanisms.
A presentation from "Quantum Stingers", team 13380, that discusses different ways to build mechanisms the expand linearly, both horizontally and vertically.
A presentation from "The Antidote", team 14320, that outlines the different ways that gears, sprockets, chains, belts, and more can be used to transfer motion across a robot.
A presentation from "The Bionic Tigers", team 10464, that discusses the diferent types of robot drivetrains that commonly appear in FTC robots.
RoadRunner is a motion planning library that can be used for precision navigation.
Information about building "dead wheel" odometry pods for more precise motion control.

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